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"We all have paths that lead us to where we want to go.

Sometimes those paths are difficult, sometimes they are easy.

They are all our challenges we choose to take on."


....  Vanessa

Over the years I have learnt to honour these challenges and make the best of them. I am now challenging myself to create the most wonderful and inspiring life! I hope to encourage others to be courageous and enjoy their own journeys to awareness, happiness and freedom.

About me ...

My name is Vanessa Parker.

I am a Yoga / Internal Arts Instructor and Ancestral Trauma Specialist

My job is to guide you through healing the thought and habitual emotional patterns which are keeping you stuck in trauma and looping in suffering and pain.

I incorporate the revolutionary healing Emotional Freedom Technique, Meditation, and Ritual Transistioning with Yoga, Qi Gong, and Breath work to help you to jump timelines and come into alignment with your hearts desires. This is my absolute passion!! 

To be able to be in alignment with our hearts desires, firstly we need to process and release the traumas and emotional crisis that we are sitting in, so that we can show up as a vibrational match to that which we truly desire to be in our lives. It is possilble for us all to do this, and sometimes we need some professional help to acheive the results we are wishing for.

Image by Andrej Lišakov
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Working with the ‘energy body’ is my passion!

In 1994, I became a Yoga and Internal Arts Instructress with the Creative Health Institute, Australia. Since this time, I have held workshops and classes to help people to reconnect with themselves and the universal energy, release stress and anxiety and find a space for spiritual awareness to blossom.

A graduate from Deborah Lindsey’s Centre for EFT Studies as a qualified Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, I am now currently one of the few dedicated and resourceful teachers at this amazing facility for preparing others to join the holistic healing arena as professional EFT Practioners. I am also the teacher within Deborah Lindsey's Centre for EFT Studies for The Energy Anatomy Course, which is my favourite, as it is such an amazing transformational journey, and walking this path with others is my chosen mission here on Earth.

As a Health and Wellness Coach, I am committed to helping heal our Planet through choosing to vibrate on a wonderful frequency, feel and radiate Love and Joy, (the super magnets to a happy life), and hold space for others seeking to experience relief from the pain that is paralysing their lives, and who really want to start enjoying their journey and feeling alive again. I believe in Louise Hay’s famous words “Heal the Planet one person at a time” !!

My role as a Practitioner is to empower and facilitate this healing within individuals in a gentle yet highly effective process that is safe, simple, painless, 100% natural and holistic, healing all aspects of our being, the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.

Yoga Teacher  -  Vanessa Parker
Emotional Freedom Technique Certification Training Level 1 for Vanessa Parker
Emotional Freedom Technique Certification Training Level 2 for Vanessa Parker

Some of you may be wondering …   what is a Health and Wellness Coach?

Health and Wellness Coaching can be defined as a process that facilitates healthy, sustainable behaviour change by challenging a client to listen to their inner wisdom, identify their values and transform their goals into action.


This process integrates the Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT Tapping), to process and release the layers and aspects causing illness and limitations, that are holding us back from enjoying healthy, happy lives.

I am a great believer in holistic health ...

I believe that we are all complete packages and that we need to ‘get the core of the issue’ to really fix the problem and ultimately heal.


I enjoy helping people balance all aspects of their health - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.



is a perfect day to be happy!

MAKE TODAY the beginning of your shift to a HAPPIER and HEALTHY YOU!  

Vanessa Parker

Online Emotional Freedom Technique / EFT Tapping

Creative Yoga & Energy Healing Workshops

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EFT Tapping | Emotional Freedom Technique | Brisbane and Sunshine Coast QLD Australia

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EFT Tapping | Emotional Freedom Technique | Brisbane QLD
   EFT Tapping | Emotional Freedom Technique | Glenwood QLD
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